I have created this blog to document my three month trip to South America, and to keep everyone back home updated.
I will be leaving Melbourne for Sydney on the 8th of March and flying into Santiago, Chile. From there I will make my way across to Buenos Aires, Argentina where I will live for around one month before travelling through Brazil and Bolivia to reach Peru where I will see Machu Picchu. I leave Santiago for Melbourne on the fourth of June, arriving in Melbourne on the sixth.
So far everything has gone smoothly: I have my backpack, I have my passport, I have travel insurance (the budget kind, let's hope nobody steals my backpack), I have had my injections (bar one) and I have my guidebook. My rough plans will change, I'm sure. But for the moment I'm super duper excited, and can't wait to get over there.
Hasta luego amigos, stay tuned for updates.